Bind Dictionary to GridView

If your looking to bind a Dictionary object to a GridView control, like most GridView bindings, here are 3 ways of doing it:   Option 1 Declaring the GridView with no coloum specific information: [xhtml] <asp:GridView ID=”SearchResults” runat=”server”> </asp:GridView> [/xhtml]   Option 2 Declaring the GridView using the bound column method: [xhtml] <asp:GridView ID=”SearchResults” runat=”server”… Continue reading Bind Dictionary to GridView

Force GridView to display PagerTemplate

When writing custom paging and presenting the data in a GridView, you will need to force the PagerTemplate to display. One method of doing this is by using the GridViews OnPreRender event to force it to happen. [csharp] protected void SearchResults_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow pagerRow = SearchResults.BottomPagerRow; if (pagerRow != null && pagerRow.Visible… Continue reading Force GridView to display PagerTemplate

Rebuild MS SQL full text catalogs for commerce server 2007 search

If you are getting unexpected search results from you commerce server web application it could be caused by your SQL Server full text catalog indexs not been rebuilt. We experienced this issue while using the CS2007  agent APIs to created/modify virtual catalogs. The last step in the process triggers the rebuild of all the indexes using this SQL: … Continue reading Rebuild MS SQL full text catalogs for commerce server 2007 search

Visual Studio Data Comparison (MS SQL) of table with no primary key, unique key, or index

If you have stumbled across this post you are looking to compare two Microsoft SQL Server tables using Visual Studio 2005 or 2010. You have run into issues with the table you need to compare not appearing in the comparison wizard. If you have a read of this link it explains tables and views must meet two… Continue reading Visual Studio Data Comparison (MS SQL) of table with no primary key, unique key, or index